on feb1, 2022 by parkremedies

Skin being the largest organ of the body, asks for more than simple application of products. While the latter is a straightforward yet significant approach to healthy skin, for the nutrients of your skincare to be evenly distributed amongst all layers of the skin, it requires a deeper, more holistic approach, which will allow your inner beauty to shine through. This involves eating fresh and seasonal foods, exercising, and leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A mindful practice to conduce the same, is Facial Yoga, which allows you to treat your skin with love while reacquainting yourself with your inner self. Let’s delve deeper into this practice:

What Is Facial Yoga?

Facial exercises and massages have held us in great stead since time immemorial. The concept dates back to the ancient scriptures of Ayurveda- releasing energy pathways to naturally achieve better health and a great sense of well-being, while looking radiant. Facial yoga does to your face; what yoga does to your body. It relaxes, tones and gives a natural boost to the skin, while simultaneously resetting your facial muscles. The idea is to stretch the 57 face and neck muscles to tone, firm and boost circulation, for a youthful appearance. 

Benefits of Yoga for the Face

How Does Facial Yoga Work And What Are The Benefits Of Yoga For The Face?

When you exercise or indulge in a mindful Yoga session, the muscles in your body feel firm and strong. Likewise, when your facial muscles are put to use with face yoga, they feel toned and give the sensation of a natural face lift, if practiced regularly.

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